Friday, April 15, 2011

The Events and Plannings of my Spring Break

More Spring than an actual break thanks to my car being in the shop., but gotta try and make the best of things. Finally got my hands on some of that Ableton Live shit and goddamn. This is a total mind fuck. So happy there are tutorials out the ass on youtube and instructional torrents. I'd be seriously lost without these little guides and tips. I have a feeling that this is going to be my Spring time consumer cause the frustrations are making me want to put rounds in my dear ol' macbook.

Merry Christmas you filthy animal!

What the fuck would I do without you internet?

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Got it all figured out

Now lets see if I'm smart enough to get it all together. The transformation period has begun.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Happy Birthday business bros.

    Congratulations on making it to twenty years. We'd really love for you to make it to another twenty, but we won't hold our breath. We know only the best die young, and you two are indeed, "Some of the best." Rest tonight with bellies full of cake. You've earned it.

He's just full of business!
Not as much, but we still love him.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Beach kings

    Right now I'm pretty sleep deprived. Just spent the end of yesterday and the dawn treads of today playing fire starter and planning out the Council's trip to the beach. Finally got last minute plans together around 3 a.m. so alarms were set and sleep cycles were slightly altered. This week has been pretty long, and a break from it was greatly appreciated. April just doesn't seem to want to cooperate with me right now. Hopefully the end of the month evens out. Transportation was provided by Joss as we all some how fit five guys, five chairs, a cooler, snacks, two pizzas, McDonalds, and Skittles into his Scion TC.
This is skittles. He's fun to take to the beach.

    We set up camp at the usual place, which had an awesome wooden table next to it for some reason. After things were all set up we took Skittles to go exploring further up the beach. The rest of what happened is between me and the gods of the sea, but suffice it to say, all of our food disappeared real quick afterwards.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Bum Status

    Living without the convenience of a car or mode of reliable transportation can really put a dent in any person's stride. I mean before my car ran bumpers with an opposing vehicle things were seeming pretty fine and outstanding. Got new threads, new look, more confidence, and a whole 'nother bag of mental tricks, and then got slapped with a broken radiator because I was driving like an asshole. Wish I could get pissed at a car full of old folks, but I can't cause they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Specifically right in front of me when I was trying to hurry about my business. Ever since then the cataclysm just seems content to domino on down through the days and on to those surrounding me. Really one of the best buzz kills I've experienced in a nice long while.

    The only thing really positive to come out of this is that I got to reconnect with some old friends at school and I'm drawing a lot more. Because the car is out of the game for a while I thought that this would be a great time for me to get some stuff done for Jama and for my lyrics, but a lot of the work is uninspired and shitty. Or at least I think it is. I am my worst critic, so it might just be me, but I'd rather be satisfied with something and put it out than put something out that I don't like. Guess I'm just ranting and raving right now. Next post I'll be sure to post up some of the doodles that actually turned out to be pretty good. I don't have much else better to do any way, so to cap off this post I'd like to leave a little comic by Tom Neely.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Lest try that again

    Starting this blog was an insane idea. Scratch that, a very bad idea. Then again, I always get caught up in things that turn out bad for me. I think the problem is that I don't like to listen. Oh well, here's and old poem about the effects of not listening to good advice. Always listen to your parents and friends kids. They know better than you do.

A Sordid Oneness

The fantasies of dark dreams.
Pry inside with “Fuck me” eyes.
Torrid spirit through times of trial.
Etch into my chest your life story,
This is the lowest I’ve ever felt.

Such a beautiful antagonist
Eventuality – bright stars fade,
Collapse, creation a black hole.
Now drawn inside the vortex
Become one with you,
Both nothing.